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Sunday, January 26, 2025



તુ રુપાળુ, તુ રંગીલુ

નીત નવિન રુપ તારુ

દિવાળીમા ઝળહળાટ ચમકતુ

નવરાત્રીમા થનગનતુ

ઉનાળામા લપાતુ ઘરમા

ચોમાસામા ભીંજાતુ લચપચ

ઉતરાણમા આભ આબતુ

હોળીમા રંગે રંગાતુ

શિયાળે થરથરતુ

લગ્નનની ઋતુમા  મહાલતુ

ભાજીપાઊ ને ગાંઠીયા ઝાપટતુ

વાતોમા ચંગે ખીલતુ 

વ્યવહારમા ડાહ્યુ

પૈસામા પારધુ

આ મારુ અમદાવાદ 

Friday, January 24, 2025

What were we

 When we came to America in the sixties, and seventies


What were we like, and what was America like?

Youthful and hopeful

Though somewhat immature,

Rather naïve and trusting.

Some would call us foolish,

Half-baked, half-cooked

We came to this shore.

Brought our youthful hearts

Filled with hope and excitement.

With boundless enthusiasm

determination to succeed

In this new land of opportunities.


America welcomed us with open heart

We learned new way of life,

Understood new ideas

With passing time, Changed a little,

Adjusted a little.

Unknowingly, we became defacto ambassadors for India

Be it the topic of religion,

history, politics, or culture.

Though our knowledge was thin and incomplete,

Felt free to share

with anyone who would listen.

America too was like sweet honey

Sweet in speech, sweet in food.

Opportunities abound.

Not yet aware of the glass ceiling

Or racial discrimination.

Nor were we familiar with America's history or geography.

We were just blissfully happy,

Possessed by green cards and green dollars.

That's how we were, and that's how America was.




Over a while, how everything changed

Years passed

We didn't realize

We changed

We didn't realize

We forgot the promises

Not to change

Strong beliefs

That we had brought along

When did they start to weaken

We didn't realize

When did we become foreigners in our homeland

We didn't realize

When did this foreign land become our own

We didn't realize

America also changed

We didn't realize

What once seemed shiny

When did that shine start to fade

We didn't realize

The conveniences that once seemed unnecessary

When did they become essential

We didn't realize

When did the children become American

We didn't realize

There must have been some injustice done to us somewhere

Whether it was discrimination or prejudice

But we were so unaware

We didn't realize

Now we have become wise

And a little wealthy

But where did life slip away

We didn't realize


Meenal Pandya

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


મમ શરીર નશ્વર 
ક્યાંથી પામું ઈશ્વર 

તું અગોચર 
હું શોધું ગોચરે 

તું નિરાકાર 
હું ભ્રમિત આકારે 

તું આદિ, તુ અનંત
હુ ક્ષણભંગુર તંત 

તું વસે અણુ અણુમા
હુ શોધુ મંદિર તીરથમા

તું જુએ કર્મ, આપે ફળ
હુ ગુંચવાવુ ટીલા ટપકામા

તું કરુણાનો સાગર
હુ રાગ, દ્વેશ, અહંકાર

અન્તર આ તુ હુ વચ્ચેનુ
કેમ કાપુ આ ભવમા



Monday, July 18, 2022

હા, અમે NRI

હા, અમે NRI

દેશમાં પરદેશી 

પરદેશમાં દેશી 

કોઈ કહે અમે 

ઝોલાં ખાઈએ બે દેશોમાં 

ને કોઈ કહે 

અમે લ્હાવો લૂટીએ 

બે દેશોનો 

પોતીકી ધરતી છોડીને 

કોઈ આવ્યા પૈસા કમાવા 

કોઈ આવ્યા નામ કમાવા 

કોઈ આવ્યા ડિગ્રી મેળવવા 

કોઈ આવ્યા દીકરા ગોઠવવા 

જેમ પણ આવ્યા 

પણ સૌ આવ્યા 

જેમ પણ ગોઠવાયાં 

પણ સૌ ગોઠવાયાં 

અને  સૌ બન્યા NRI

બીન જરૂરી કે બહુ જરૂરી 

દેશમાં પરદેશી 

પરદેશમાં દેશી 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Graduation wishes

 Life 101 - A Balancing Act

Dear Graduate

Welcome to the most wonderful time 
of your life
perched on the edge of your childhood
at the doorstep of youth
Ready to soar the new heights
With your new wings
Ready to fly into the unknown skies

As you spread your wings in the open sky
And feel its power
Remember the power that comes 
From your ever-nourishing roots  

With these two powerful wings 
You can reach new heights 
Provided that
They remain in balance
Out of balance they can
swerve you in the wrong direction
Or even pull you down

But in balance 
They will take you as high
As your heart desires 
And your mind aspires

May your two wings 
Always remain in balance
And may your values guide you 
Into this journey 
called Life. 


Monday, December 20, 2021

મારા તમારાં


મારા તમારાં 

જીવન આખું વીત્યું 

તમારાં ને મારા કરવામાં 

લાગણીઓને ગોઠવવામાં, 


એકબીજાને સમજવામાં 

ચલાવી લેવામાં ,

અટકળો કરવામાં , 

કેટલા અરમાનો કચડાયા 

કેટલી લાગણીઑ દુભાઈ  

કોઈકવાર, અચાનક 

હૈયું કરે એ હિસાબ 


ખડકાય એ લાગણીઓનો 

સંઘરેલો ઢગલો 


ઝરે જરા સરખો તણખો 

પ્રગટે હોળી અંતર મહી 

Saturday, December 11, 2021


People are like pots and pans 

  • Some are made of china, only to be taken out on special occasions. They are fragile, and you have to handle them with care.
  • Some are made of melamine, can be used often, rugged and useful.
  • Some are made of paper, to be used only in a large group, and the relationship may not work for long.
  • Some are made of stainless steel, reliable, useful every day, and can be passed on from generation to generation.
  • Some are made of silver, so valuable that they are only a few and only come out for a special occasion or a guest.
  • Some are made of non-stick material and no matter what you tell them, nothing sticks but they are the ones you need at special times.
  • Some are made of cast iron, once you have seasoned them, you are free to deal with them as you like. They are yours forever.