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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Graduation wishes

 Life 101 - A Balancing Act

Dear Graduate

Welcome to the most wonderful time 
of your life
perched on the edge of your childhood
at the doorstep of youth
Ready to soar the new heights
With your new wings
Ready to fly into the unknown skies

As you spread your wings in the open sky
And feel its power
Remember the power that comes 
From your ever-nourishing roots  

With these two powerful wings 
You can reach new heights 
Provided that
They remain in balance
Out of balance they can
swerve you in the wrong direction
Or even pull you down

But in balance 
They will take you as high
As your heart desires 
And your mind aspires

May your two wings 
Always remain in balance
And may your values guide you 
Into this journey 
called Life. 
